child running to parent during sunset

The Just Care Model

Just Care strives to support families and
promote prevention through person-centered,
trauma-informed, and culturally-responsive services.

What Does Just Care Offer?

  • Just Care Components- a circle cut into quarters: Parenting (happy family graphics), Mental Health (people sitting calmly), Substance Use (healthy food and an athlete) and Other Life Stressors (car, resume, and house)

    Support and Coaching

    Care Coaches use evidence-based strategies to support parents in as many of these areas as they need: parenting, mental health, substance use, and other life stressors.

  • Cell phone text message chain about  being nervous

    Continuous Engagement

    Parents can meet with their coach multiple days a week and text and talk to their coach every day (even on weekends). Care Coaches use creative and thoughtful strategies to build trust with every parent.

  • Care Bucks in stack

    Care Store

    Parents earn Care cash for hard work towards their goals. They can then use Care cash to “purchase” items in the
    Care Store.

Just Care provides these components out in the community where
families live, parent, and work.